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Gullfest: Who is performing?

With this current semester moving faster than a rocket ship, students are starting to wonder about the state of Gullfest 2018. The Student Organization of Activity Planning (SOAP) has yet to announce what artist will be performing on May 6th.

Over the past week, students have been digging in their emails and asking people they know in search of what artist will be at Gullfest. Despite the lackluster reception Gullfest has received from students over the past couple of years, people are still anxious to know what artist will be performing.

Half of the anticipation towards this yearly event that SOAP bravely tackles is the revealing of the artist and the reactions that students have towards the artist. Some of these reactions are positive while others are not and this is partially due to diverse music interests along with questionable marketing.

The only advertisements that SOAP have been posting on their social media platforms regarding Gullfest are for an interest meeting to be a volunteer at the event.

To give all of this some perspective, SOAP announced the artist line-up (Niykee Heaton, D.R.A.M., Ripe) on March 9th last year and this was after Logic’s cancellation. This means that they will be announcing the artist over a month later.

SOAP last year also hosted a reveal party on campus only to reveal to the students that rapper Logic was not performing like he was planned to. While there is no report of a reveal party occurring this year, it is not likely that they would surprise students the day of the concert.

With the concert less than a month away, SOAP should announce the artist as soon as possible to begin advertising for the actual concert. If it is held off any longer, then not enough buzz will be generated for the event.

There could be complications in planning the event that are causing this delay. Students would most likely understand the lack of an announcement if SOAP were transparent with students and not hiding everything.

By not revealing any information, it makes students less enthusiastic about the event as a whole because it gives the impression that the event is not being planned well.

While some students will be excited and in attendance regardless on May 6th, SOAP has an uphill battle to climb to gain student’s confidence in Gullfest. Everyday that May 6th comes closer without an announcement, they lose more of their possible audience.



Editorial editor

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