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A day in the life of the SGA president

Classes, work and many meetings fill the day of Salisbury University senior Devin Neil. Neil is the Student Government Association president. He is also an active brother of Sigma Tau Gamma.

As the president of the SGA, it is essential that Neil interacts with various students, faculty and staff every day, which can make his days rather busy.

On a typical busy day, Neil tries to wake up around 7 to 7:30 a.m. and often grabs coffee and breakfast on the go as he heads to campus, where he will spend the majority of his day.

“Usually, sometimes when I’m running late, I’ll just grab a banana or an apple. Sometimes when I feel like being a little boujee, I’ll buy, like, a bagel from Cool Beans … a bagel is like, I have a long day ahead of me,” Neil stated.

When he gets to campus, the first thing Neil prioritizes is checking his email. As SGA president, he receives many emails from students and faculty voicing concerns or asking questions.

“Usually I’m on campus around 8:30 or 9 a.m., and I check my mail and I see who is emailing me, or what is going on around campus, because it is the start of the day, and I want to make sure that I’m responding people if there are pressing matters or questions,” Neil stated.

After taking the time to answer emails and catch up on what is going on for the day, Neil heads to class or goes to work. Along with being a part of the SGA, Neil works on campus in the Office of Student Affairs. After class or work, he often has meetings as president.

“Around 10 a.m., I usually go to either work or class, depending on the day, and I am usually working on campus or in class until around 12:30 [or] 1 p.m., and then I usually have class or a meeting, and then I go into my office hours [for the SGA] where I may work on certain projects or review things for another meeting the next day or a committee, or I have another meeting scheduled for that time,” Neil stated.

Once Neil has finishes up his office hours that he holds for SGA or any meetings that he has, he focuses on homework, as he is a full-time student.

“I [am] usually on-campus doing homework or other work for the Student Government Association until around 8 p.m., and then I’ll head home,” Neil stated.

Neil’s day is often very busy, filled with schoolwork, work and duties that he must fulfill as the SGA president. By keeping a good routine, Neil is able to accomplish all he needs to each day and is able to make sure that students’ voices are heard on the different issues that surround SU.



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