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Writer's pictureRyland Crisman

The Force is strong with this club: Knights of 'Bury attains RSO status

On an average Thursday night at Salisbury University, some students are found at home studying, sleeping or just starting to prepare for the night ahead.

As for the Knights of 'Bury, members can be found dueling with lightsabers at a variety of locations around campus. The clash of glowing sabers echoes weekly at SU.

President Jeremy Dietrich and Knight of 'Bury Katelyn Schreiber tune into the force, sabers in hand.

Pop-up lightsaber battles can be observed on college campuses across the country, but the Knights of 'Bury are now an officially recognized club.

It was apparent from the start to founder and President Jeremy Dietrich that the group would be noticed around campus.

“I figured we’d get a little reputation,” he said.

Dietrich founded the Knights of 'Bury during the Spring 2022 semester along with council members Colby Levengood and Luke Hartlaub.

He said weekly meetings consist of lightsaber duels, filming choreographed videos and casual hang outs.

Freshman Tiana Cyrelson is a self-proclaimed member of the nerd community and said she is proud to be a Knight of 'Bury. After asking members if she could join during a meeting, she said her experience speaks to the accessibility and beauty of the club.

“You show up, you either bring your own lightsaber or they give you one,” Cyrelson said. “They have plenty to spare.”

Cyrelson said she felt accepted and at home after only a few weeks in the club, a comfortable and fun space for like-minded people to interact.

“Knights of ‘Bury is great because it’s a chance to interact with people who have a similar interest to you in an environment that feels comfortable," Cyrelson said.

Dietrich takes pride in the fun and whimsical nature of the Knights of Salisbury. He is aware of the club's quirky nature and said it serves as a large aspect of the group's charm.

“We’re the biggest, most fun assholes on campus,” Dietrich says. “Who doesn’t love running around with giant glorified glow sticks beating the shit out of each other?”



Staff Writer

Featured image courtesy of Jeremy Dietrich


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