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GALLERY: NAACP hosts State of the Minority Town Hall

Salisbury University's Collegiate Chapter of the NAACP held its Spring 2022 State of the Minority Town Hall Wednesday evening.

The event offered a platform for campus community members to voice concerns surrounding issues of equity, political rights and social inclusion.

Speakers shared experiences concerning discrimination on SU's campus and offered potential solutions.

Gallery by Photo Editor Benjamin Lausch


Students gather outside Fulton Hall prior to the NAACP Town Hall.

NAACP Collegiate Chapter President Dorien Rogers welcomes the crowd and initiates a guided walk to Guerrieri Academic Commons.

SU community members make their way across campus, into Guerrieri Academic Commons.

"It takes all of us to bring change to our community," Rogers said, telling attendees to "keep fighting the good fight."

Rogers shares a QR code for a Google Form where community members can share experiences, express concerns, ask questions and suggest solutions for bringing change.

NAACP Public Relations Officer and Secretary Savannah Johnson shares a personal perspective.

"I feel like this university really feels like as long as they find a Black yes-man then [they can say], 'Oh we have diversity because this Black person agrees with it,'" Johnson said.

SGA Senator and Student Organization for Activity Planning Director of Diversity and Inclusion Siobhan Murray addresses community members.

"I think at Salisbury University there's not really a solidified definition of diversity and inclusion," Murray said. "You go to the webpage and we have definitions, but we don't really have framework to apply that to our organizations."

"People have said before, 'Hate has no home here.' I don't think thats true," NAACP Membership Chair Danyel Sanders (right) said. "I think it does have a home here, obviously, because we would not be sitting up here having this discussion if it didn't."

Organization for Latin American Students President Ginger Danser-Mena expresses concern for diversity among SU faculty and staff.

"I haven't had a Hispanic professor yet...I believe that, as an entity, Salisbury University definitely needs to look for people that represent us well," Danser-Mena said. "I have no one that looks like me or understands the struggles of a Latin-American woman, or man, on this campus and it's kind of upsetting."

"Don't look at people with certain preconceptions, and just look at people as people," senior Jamil Charles advised attendees.



Photography editor

Featured photos courtesy of Benjamin Lausch

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