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Salisbury University president issues shocking requirements for incoming freshmen

Updated: Apr 7, 2019

Newly appointed Salisbury University President Dr. Charles Wight has issued his strikingly conservative requirements for both incoming on-campus and commuting freshmen in light of this past weekend's Admitted Students' Day.

Requirements for 2019 boarding freshmen are as follows:

  1. Attend all meals; men to wear jackets and ties for dinner.

  2. Expect daily room inspection (by upperclassman).

  3. Expect daily fire drill; know proper procedures involved.

  4. Be familiar with the Handbook, dormitory constitution, dormitory rules and regulations.

  5. Memorize the Alma Mater.

  6. Wear beanies (men remove them in class and for salute to the flag, singing of the “Star-Spangled Banner,” etc.).

  7. Know the names of people in six rooms nearest to one assigned and where they are from.

  8. Wear name tags at all times except when in dormitory room.

  9. See that the telephone in your area of the dormitory is answered.

  10. Prepare study schedule (two hours of study for each hour of class) and be prepared to show it on request.

  11. Be able to identify by name your faculty instructors, all college administrators, all SGA officers and all dormitory officers.

  12. Be able to identify all buildings on campus.

  13. Learn the schedule of hours for the library.

Requirements for 2019 day freshmen are as follows:

  1. Be familiar with the Handbook, dormitory constitution, dormitory rules and regulations.

  2. Memorize the Alma Mater

  3. When on campus wear beanies (men remove them in class and for salute to the flag, singing of the “Star-Spangled Banner,” etc.).

  4. When on campus wear name tags at all times.

  5. Prepare study schedule (two hours of study for each hour of class) and be prepared to show it on request.

  6. Be able to identify by name your faculty instructors, all college administrators and all SGA officers.

  7. Be able to identify all buildings on the campus.

  8. Learn the schedule of hours for the library.


By Sawyer Cornelius, Franny Clark, Colton Becker and John Clarke

Layout editor/Content designer, Contributing ideas, Salisbury firefighter and Local bartender


Oh, and happy April Fools' Day!

This has been excerpted from The Flyer's ancestral organization, The Holly Leaf. These requirements for incoming freshmen appeared in the Sept. 13, 1965 release of the then Salisbury State College's student newspaper. Said regulations were sanctioned under the administration of former SSC President Dr. Wilbur Devilbiss.

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