Clubs are a place where, outside of the chaos and stress of schoolwork, you can unwind and have fun while getting to know peers with similar interests.
Seeing as that is an extremely broad definition, you might think, "Salisbury University would not offer something that suits my own interests."
However, each semester, the school holds the Student Activities Fair, which begs to differ. SU bears over 150 organizations, and the fair gives students the opportunity to recruit new members and drum up interest for student involvement.
Real live reenactments of Harry Potter's Quidditch? There's a club for that. Like to bike? There's a club for that. Passions for health and fitness? Yes, there's a club for that.
At this year's fair, organizations lined the halls and rooms of the Guerrieri Student Union, and each club gave away free swag and information on its organization. The Student Organization for Activity Planning even raffled off three VIP experience tickets for the opportunity to meet Josh Peck, who will be visiting SU on Feb. 29.
Whether or not you were in attendance, you could have easily missed some of the lesser-known organizations here on campus.
Here are five student organizations that you may have missed at the fair:
1. SU Mural Club
The SU Mural Club is a new organization to SU. It was created in response to the vandalism that occurred last fall in Fulton Hall.
SU senior Adde Grosse founded this club after a discussion she had in one of her classes.
“I was in my environmental justice class, and we were talking about the situation. Someone suggested we do a mural,” Grosse said.
As the only art major in that class, Grosse felt as though it was the perfect opportunity for her to take a stand. The interest meeting is being held on Feb. 5 at 7 p.m., and future meetings will all follow in that time slot.
The goal for this organization is to create a unifying response to what occurred last semester that represents how the student body feels and to also add a little color to the university.
2. Scorpion Wresting
This club was started by SU sophomores Siobhan Martinez and Bruce Rismono last year.
Since then, it has gained around three members who compete in dual meets and participate in practices on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 to 9:45 off campus.

The Scorpion Wrestling Club functions as a team, but you do not need any wrestling experience to join. Mainly, this club is for both girls and guys who are interested in or already love wrestling, providing everyone with the opportunity to get some work in on the mat.
3. Black Students in STEM
This club is one of the many academically focused organizations that were in attendance at the fair on Friday.
SU senior and president Chaniele Duhaney stated that the purpose of this group was “to bring the small minority of black students who are in STEM classes together and to just have a place for them to commune, socialize and study together.”
This club has been around for a year, and it currently has a new meeting place. It will now meet weekly in Henson Room 123 on Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
4. Salisbury eSports
Garret Shindle is the president of the newly founded eSports club here at SU. He and a couple of friends wanted to play some tournaments, but they all required some sort of organization in order to enter.
Shinldle felt the best way to go about the issue was to form a club.
“We figured that not only would we want to do it, but there was probably a lot of people on campus who would enjoy being able to compete with other people,” Shindle said.
The club offers strategy games as well as "Rocket League" and "League of Legends" with the new partnership with Salisbury Intramurals.
Each game has a captain that sets up weekly meetings or practices, tryouts and determines final rosters. This semester, tournaments will be about once a week, with surprise prizes for the winning team.
5. Bury Motor Club

Lastly on the list of clubs you may not have known there was a club for is the Bury Motor Club.
Put simply, the Bury Motor Club is for people who love motors — any kind of motors.
Co-Founder and President of the Bury Motor Club Nicholas Teti says the club does not discriminate.
“All cars, motorcycles, trucks, jeeps, you name it,” Teti said.
Teti talked about how the club does car meet-ups here on campus as well as in Ocean City and Assateague Island. Everyone’s car is lined up, and members are social and walking around looking at the different sort of automobiles.
The main goal of this club is to teach people about their cars and how to work on them, as well as promoting diversity in the car community. The first meeting will be held on Feb. 5 in the parking lot of Planet Fitness and Taco Bliss at 5 p.m.
For more information on the wide variety of clubs that SU offers, head to the Student Activities Office in the Guerrieri Student Union.
Staff writer
Featured photos from Caroline Streett Images, Scorpio Wrestling Club Images and Annie Geitner Images.